2025-02Jun Pang et al : Exploring the economic impacts of carbon tax in China using a dynamic Computable General Equilibrium model under a perspective of technological progress
Published in 《Journal of Cleaner Production》( IF=11.072)
2025-02Jun Pang et al : Analysis of provincial CO2 emission peaking in China: Insights from production and consumption
Published in 《Applied Energy》(IF=11.446)
2025-02Yazhen Gong et al : The Mortality Impact of Fine Particulate Matter in China: Evidence from Trade Shocks
Published in 《Journal of Environmental Economics and Management》(a top journal in the field of resource and environmental economics)
2025-02Ke Wang et al : Where is the most feasible, economical, and green wind energy? Evidence from high-resolution potential mapping in China
Published in《Journal of Cleaner Production》(IF :=11.072)
2025-02Shang Xu et al : Impacts of forest conservation on local agricultural labor supply: Evidence from the Indonesian forest moratorium
Published in 《American Journal of Agricultural Economics》(one of the three authoritative journals in resource and environmental economics)