Xiuxiang Meng

Position: Professor


Selected Publications

  1. Zhou, X., Lv, Q., Qin, Yu., Yuan, N., Li Y., Zhou, M., Meng, X., 2023, Effects of social stress on welfare of captive male Alpine musk deer: stereotypic behavior, fecal cortisol and musk secretion. Applied Animal Behavior Science 258: 105828( https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2022.105828)

  2. Lv, Q., Zhou, X., Lu, X., Shen, L., Qin, Y., Yuan, N., Weladjii, RB., Meng, X., 2023, Influence of stocking density on the stereotypy, fecal cortisol and musk secretion in captive endangered Alpine musk deer (Moschus chrysogaster). Biologia.78: 3135–3142.

    Lin, S., Shen, L., Gao, H., Wu, J., Lv, Q., Zhou, X., Li, J., Meng, X., 2023, The autumn activity patterns and time budgets of forest musk deer (Moschus berezovskii) in captivity. Veterinary Research Forum, 14 (11) 589-594.

  3. Shen, L., Gao, H., Wu, J. Wang, G., Liu, R., Qi, J., Zhang, X., Zhang, A., Chen, L., Zhang, Y., Wang, C., Qi, D., Wang, Y., Meng, X., 2023, Birth-site habitat selection of wild alpine musk deer in the northeastern Qing-Tibetan Plateau of China. Biologia, 78: 141–147.

  4. Wu J., Xiang, R., Shen, L., Gao, H., Geng, S., Meng, 2023, Assessment of habitat suitability for Chinese goral in mountainous areas of Beijing with MaxEnt model. Russian Journal of Ecology, 54(5): 402~411.

  5. Wu J., Wang, J., Da, Z., Bu, X., Xiang, R., Shrestha, T., Sheng, Y., Meng, X., 2022, Summer habitat use and coexistence of Chinese goral (Naemorhedus griseus) and Siberian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) in Taihang mountain, China. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 18(1): 77-86.

  6. Wang J., Ji, S., Wu, J., Shrestha, TK., Bu, Z., Xiang, R., Sheng, Y., Meng, X*, 2021, Away from the city: habitat selection of badgers in mountainous area around Beijing. Biologia, 6:1737-1746.

  7. Wang J., Zheng Q., Xia C., Li Y., Zhou M., Sheng Y., Weladji R.B., Meng X., 2021, Seasonal reproduction of northernmost endangered forest musk deer (Moschus berezovskii) in China and the synchronization with climatic conditions. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 66(2): 46–54.

  8. Yuan, N., Qin, Y., Meng, X*, 2021, Studies on the Muscone Content of Musk Secreted by Captive Alpine Musk deer and the Influencing factors. Biologia, 76:3761–3767.

  9. Wu, J., Wang, J., Zhu, Y., Bu, X., Xiang, R., Lu, Q., Cui, S., Hao, Y., Sheng, Y., Meng, X*, 2020, Summer habitat selection and impacts of human disturbance on leopard cats (Prionailurus bengalensis). Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 6:1, 1856630, DOI: 10.1080/20964129.2020.1856630.

    Zhao, Y., Wang, J., Li, Y., Zhou, M., Meng, X*., 2020, Temporal pattern of parturition in captive endangered Alpine musk deer (Moschus sifanicus). Biologia, 75(2): 259–266.

  10. Wang, J., Sun, J., Aryal, A., Raubenheimer, D., Liu, D., Sheng, Y., Chang, D., Shi, L., Wu, J., Ma, Z., Wang, H., Meng, X*, 2015, Reindeer Ewenki's fading culture. Science, 347(6225): 957.(Letter)

  11. Shi, Q., Guo, Y., Engelhardt, SC., Weladji, RB., Zhou, Y., Long, M., Meng, X*., 2016, Endangered wild yakBos grunniensoccurred in the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent regions: population, distribution and conservation perspectives. Journal for Nature Conservation, 32: 35–43.

  12. Xiuxiang Meng*, et al., 2014-Journal for Nature Conservation-Population trends, distribution and conservation status of semi-domesticated reindeer in China. Journal for Nature Conservation, 22: 539–546.

  13. Weladji, R., Body, G., Holand, O., Meng, X., Nieminen, M., 2017, Temporal variation in the operational sex ratio and male mating behaviors in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). Behavioral Processes 140: 96-103.

  14. Zhou, Z., Newman, C., Buesching, CD., Macdonald, DW., Meng, X., Zhou, Y., 2015, Outdated listing puts species at risk. Nature, 525: 187. (Correspondence)

  15. Zhou, Z. M., Newman, C., Buesching, C. D., Meng, X., Macdonald, D. W., & Zhou, Y. 2016, Revised taxonomic binomials jeopardize protective wildlife legislation. Conservation Letters, 9: 313-315.

  16. Meng, X*., Gong, B., Xiang, L., 2012, Stable fight strategies in endangered male musk deer (Moschus sifanicus). Animal Science Journal,83:617-622

  17. Meng, X*., Sih, A., Cody, N., 2012, Fight techniques and influencing variables in male musk deer. Annals of Animal Science, 12(3): 413–421.

  18. Meng, X*., Hamer, R., Meng, Q., Wang, P., Meng, F., Li, H., Feng, J., Xue, D., Zhou, Y., 2012, Animal welfare development in China. Science, 338(6111:1150-1151. (Letter)

  19. Gong, B., Hamer, R., Meng, X.*, Meng, Q., Feng, J., Xue, D., 2012, Limits to religious conservation efforts. Science, 338(6108): 740. (Letter)

  20. Meng, X*., Liu, D., Feng, J., Meng, Z., 2012, Asian medicine: a dilemma of wildlife farming and wildlife conservation. Science, 335(6073): 1168. (Letter)

  21. Shresth,B. Meng, XX, 2014, Spring habitat preference, association and threats of Himalayan musk deer in Gaurishankar Conservation Area, Nepal. International Journal of Conservation Science, 5(4): 535-546.

  22. Sih, A., A. Bibian, N. DiRienzo, X.X. Meng, P-O. Montiglio and K. Ringleman. 2012. On the benefits of studying mechanisms underlying behavior. In P. Crowley, T. Zentall, eds., Comparative decision making. Oxford University Press.

  23. Zhou, X., Meng, X*, 2013, The winter habitat selection of red panda (Ailurus fulgens) in the Meigu Dafengding National Nature Reserve in the Hengduan Mountains of China. Current Science, 105(10): 1425-1429.

  24. Wang, H., Zhu, X., Meng, X., Li, C., Zhou, L., Zhang, B., 2013, Mitochondrial genome of the Alpine musk deer Moschus chrysogaster (Artiodactyla: Ruminantia: Moschidae). Mitochondrial DNA.

  25. Subedi, A., Aryal, A., Koirala, RK., Timilsina, YP., Meng, X., McKenzie, F., 2012, Habitat ecology of Himalayan musk deer (Moschus chrysogaster ) in Manaslu conservation area of Nepal. International Journal of Zoological Research, 8(2): 81-89.

  26. Meng, X*., Gong, B., Ma, G., Xiang, L., 2011, Quantified analyses of musk deer farming in China: a tool for sustainable musk production and ex situ conservation. Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Sciences, 24(10): 1473-1482.

  27. Wu, Y., Xia L., Zhang, Q., Yang, Q, Meng X., 2011, Bidirectional introgressive hybridization between Lepus capensis and Lepus yarkandensis. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 59: 545-555.

  28. Meng, X*., Zhao, C., Hui, C., 2011, Behavioral Aspects of captive alpine musk deer during non-mating season: gender differences and monthly patterns. Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Sciences, 24(5): 707-712

  29. Luan, X., Zhao, C., Hui, C., Meng, X*., 2010, Preliminary behavioral assessment of the domestication degree of captive alpine musk deer. Zoologia, 27(6):848-852.

  30. Meng X*., Perkins, G, Yang, Q., Feng Z., Feng J., 2009, The relationship between the behavioral mode of endangered female musk deer and reproduction potential next year. Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 2(3): 284-287.

  31. Luan, X., Zhao, C., Hui, C., Meng X*., 2010, Preliminary behavioral assessment of the domestication degree of captive alpine musk deer. Zoologia, 27(6):848-852.

  32. Meng X*., Yang, Q., Feng, Z., Perkins, G., 2009, Preliminary Studies on the Behavioral Differences between Female and Male Captive Alpine Musk Deer during Non-mating Season, Journal of Zejiang University. (English Version) 35(2):127-134.

  33. Meng X*., Perkins G., 2008, Preliminary studies on the relationship between behavioral frequency and reproductive potential of female alpine musk deer in captivity, Agricultural Sciences in China. (English Version). 7(8):1497-1502.

  34. Meng X*., Yang, Q., Feng Z., 2008, Behavioral comparison between captive female musk deer barren and fawning next year. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 4(2): 263-269.

  35. Meng X*., Yang, Q., Feng, Z., Xu H., Perkins, G., 2008, Seasonal behavioral patterns of captive alpine musk deer: rut and pre rut comparisons. Biologia, 63(4): 594-598.

  36. Meng X*., Perkins, G., Yang Q., Feng Z., Meng Z., Xu H., 2008, Relationship between estrus cycles and behavioral durations of captive female alpine musk deer. Integrative Zoology, 3: 143-148.

  37. Meng X*., Yang, Q, Feng, Z, Xu, H, Perkins, G., 2008, Gender specific behavioral patterns of captive alpine musk deer (Moschus sifanicus). Belgian Journal of Zoology, 138 (1): 101-105.

  38. Peng, R., Zeng, B., Meng X., Yue, B., Zhang, Z., Zou, F., 2007, The complete mitochondrial genome and phylogenetic analysis of the giant panda. Gene, 397: 76-83.

  39. Meng X., Yang, Q., Feng, Z., Xia, L., Jiang Y., 2003, Timing and synchrony of parturition in alpine musk deer. Folia Zoologica. 52(1):39-50.

  40. Yang, Q., Meng X., Feng, Z. Xia, L., 2003, Conservation status and causes of decline on musk deer in China. Biological Conservation. 109: 333-342.

  41. Meng, X., Yang, Q., Xia, L., Feng, Z., Jiang, Y., Wang, P., 2003, The temporal estrous patterns of female alpine musk deer in captivity. Applied Animal Behavior Science. 82: 75–85.