Xiao Sun
Position: Associate Professor
Selected Publications
Selected Publications
1. Xiao Sun; Hongxiao Liu; Chuan Liao; Huifu Nong; Peng Yang. Understanding recreational ecosystem service supply-demand mismatch and social groups’ preferences: implications for urban-rural planning. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2024, 241: 104903.
2. Guangji Fang; Xiao Sun*; Hua Zheng; Peng Zhu; Wenbin Wu; Peng Yang; Huajun Tang. Optimizing the ecosystem service flow of grain provision across metacoupling systems will improve transmission efffciency. Applied Geography, 2024, 172: 103420.
3. Chenrui Wang; Xiao Sun*; Zhifeng Liu; Lang Xia; Hongxiao Liu; Guangji Fang; Qinghua Liu; Peng Yang. A novel full-resolution convolutional neural network for urban-fringe-rural identification: A case study of urban agglomeration region. Landscape and Urban Planning. 2024, 249: 105122.
4. 孙晓;郑华;刘珍环;任玉含;唐华俊. 多尺度农业生态系统服务研究进展. 生态学报, 2024, 44(21): 9443-9457.
5. Guangji Fang#; Xiao Sun#,*; Peng Yang; Yu Tao; Qinghua Liu; Huajun Tang. Advancing the Optimization of Urban-Rural Ecosystem Service Supply-Demand Mismatches and Trade-offs. Landscape Ecology, 2024, 39: 32.
6. Dingding Duan; Xiao Sun*; Chenrui Wang; Yan Zha; Qiangyi Yu; Peng Yang. A Remote Sensing Approach to Estimating Cropland Sustainability in the Lateritic Red Soil Region of China. Remote Sensing, 2024, 16: 1069.
7. 杨婉清;王晨睿;孙晓*;杨鹏;王妍. 农业区生态系统服务影响因素及空间优化分析—以北京市为例. 中国农业资源与区划, 2024, 45(1): 116-128.
8. Xiao Sun; Qun Ma; Guangji Fang. Spatial scaling of land use/land cover and ecosystem services across urban hierarchical levels: Patterns and relationships. Landscape Ecology, 2023, 38: 753-777.
9. Guangji Fang; Xiao Sun*; Yi Xiao; Baolong Han; Peng Yang; Qinghua Liu. How do ecosystem services evolve across urban-rural transitional landscapes in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China: Patterns, trade-offs, and drivers. Landscape Ecology, 2023, 38, 1125-1145.
10. Xiao Sun; Jianguo Wu; Huajun Tang; Peng Yang. An urban hierarchy-based approach integrating ecosystem services into multiscale sustainable land use planning: The case of China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2022, 178: 106097.
11. Xiao Sun; Peng Yang; Yu Tao; Hongyan Bian. Improving ecosystem services supply provides insights for sustainable landscape planning: A case study in Beijing, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 802: 149849.
12. Qinghua Liu; Xiao Sun*; Wenbin Wu; Zhenhuan Liu; Guangji Fang; Peng Yang. Agroecosystem services: A review of concepts, indicators, assessment methods and future research perspectives. Ecological Indicators, 2022, 142: 109218.
13. Dingding Duan#; Xiao Sun#; Shefang Liang; Jing Sun; Lingling Fan; Hao Chen; Lang Xia; Fen Zhao; Wanqing Yang; Peng Yang. Spatiotemporal patterns of cultivated land quality integrated with Multi - Source remote sensing: A Case Study of Guangzhou, China. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14: 1250.
14. Lang Xia; Fen Zhao; Jin Chen; Le Yu; Miao Lu; Qiangyi Yu; Shefang Liang; Lingling Fan; Xiao Sun*; et al. A full resolution deep learning network for paddy rice mapping using Landsat data. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2022, 194: 91-107.
15. Lingling Fan; Jing Yang; Xiao Sun*; et al. The effects of Landsat image acquisition date on winter wheat classification in the North China Plain. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2022, 187: 1-13.
16. 杨婉清;杨鹏;孙晓*;韩宝龙. 北京市景观格局演变及其对多种生态系统服务的影响分析. 生态学报, 2022, 6: 1-14.
17. 孙晓;杨鹏;王虹杨. 农业绿色发展研究文献计量分析. 中国农业资源与区划, 2021, 42(2): 1-9.
18. Xiao Sun; Huajun Tang; Peng Yang; Guang Hu; Zhenhuan Liu; Jianguo Wu. Spatiotemporal patterns and drivers of ecosystem service supply and demand across the conterminous United States: A multiscale analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 703: 135005.
19. Xiao Sun; Feng Li; John C. Crittenden; Xiaolin Dou. Urban expansion simulation and the spatio-temporal changes of ecosystem services, a case study in Atlanta Metropolitan area, USA. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 622-623: 974-987.
20. Xiao Sun; Zhongming Lu; Feng Li; John C. Crittenden. Analyzing spatio-temporal changes and trade-offs to support the supply of multiple ecosystem services in Beijing, China. Ecological Indicators, 2018, 94: 117-129.
21. Xiao Sun; Xusheng Liu; Feng Li; Yu Tao; Yingshi Song. Comprehensive evaluation of different scale cities' sustainable development for economy, society, and ecological infrastructure in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 163: S329-S337.
22. 孙晓;李锋. 城市生态资产评估方法与应用—以广州市增城区为例. 生态学报, 2017, 37(18): 6216-6228.
23. Xiao Sun; Feng Li. Spatiotemporal assessment and trade-offs of multiple ecosystem services based on land use changes in Zengcheng, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 609: 1569-1581.
24. 孙晓;刘旭升;李锋;陶宇. 中国不同规模城市可持续发展综合评价. 生态学报, 2016, 36(17): 5590-5600.