Lin Ding

Position: Assistant Professor

Selected Publications

  1. Zhu X., Zhu R., Ding L., Gong Y. Role of short-term campaigns and long-term mechanisms for air pollution control: lessons learned from the 2+26 city cluster in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 31, 1474814761 (2024). DOI: 10.1007/s11356-024-32051-4 (corresponding author)

  2. Ding L. Constructing Common Regulations of General Part of China's Environmental Code from the Perspective of Legal Order. Frontiers of Law in China 17, 194-219(2022). DOI: 10.3868/s050-011-022-0031-7.

  3. Zhu X., Ding L., Li H., Gong Y. A new national environmental law with harsh penalties and regulated discretion: Experiences and lessons from China. Resources Conservation and Recycling 18, 106245(2022). DOI:10.1016/j.resconrec.2022.106245. (corresponding author)

  4. Ding L., Yu W., Zhu X.Driving Factors and Mechanism Improvement of Starting Identification and Assessment of Eco-environmental Damage: an Empirical Study Based on 949 Cases. Research of Environmental Sciences 35, 1519-1526(2022). DOI 10.13198/j.issn.1001-6929.2022.01.17

  5. Ding L., Zhu X. County-level Environmental Supervision Power’s Reorganization and Optimization under the Background of Vertical Management Reform of Environmental Protection Institutions. Chinese Public Administration 8, 31-39(2021). DOI10.19735/j.issn.1006-0863.2021.08.02.