Liming Wang
Position: Assistant Professor
Selected Publications
Wang L., Lee X., Wang W., Wang X., Wei Z., Fu C., Gao Y., Lu L., Song W., Su P., Lin G. A meta-analysis of open-path eddy covariance observations of apparent CO2 flux in cold conditions in the FLUXNET network. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 2017. 11:2475-2487
Wang L., Lee X., Schultz N.,Chen S., Wei Z., Fu C., Gao Y., Yang Y., Lin G. Response of surface temperature to afforestation in the Kubuqi Desert, Inner Mongolia, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2018. 123:948-964
Wang L., Lee, X.*, Feng, D., Fu, C., Wei, Z., Yang, Y., Yin, Y., Luo, Y., Lin, G. Impact of large-scale afforestation on surface temperature: a case study in the Kubuqi Desert, Inner Mongolia based on the WRF model. Forests. 2019. 10(5): 368.
Wang, L., Tian, F.*, Han, S., and Wei, Z. Determinants of the asymmetric parameter in the generalized complementary principle of evaporation. Water Resources Research. 2020. e2019WR026570.
Wang L., Han, S., and Tian, F.* Comparison of formulating apparent potential evaporation with pan measurements and Penman methods. Journal of Hydrology. 2020. 592: 125816.
Wang L., Tian, F.*, Wang X., Yang, Y., Wei, Z. Attribution of the land surface temperature response to land-use conversions from bare land. Global and Planetary Change. 2020. 103268.
Wang, L., Han, S., and Tian, F.* At which timescale does the complementary principle perform best in evaporation estimation? Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 2021. 25: 375–386.
Wang, L., Tian, F.*, Han, S., Cui, T., Meng, X., Hu, H. Determination of the asymmetric parameter in complementary relations of evaporation in alpine grasslands of the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology. 2021. 127306.
Wang, L., Han, S., Tian, F. *, Li, K., Li, Y., Tudaji, M., et al., The evaporation on the Tibetan Plateau stops increasing in the recent two decades. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2022. 127, e2022JD037377.
Wang, L., Han, S., Tian, F. *, Tudaji, M., & Yang, Y. Comparison of the efficiencies of the prognostic generalized complementary functions on evaporation estimation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2023. 128, e2023JD038683
Feng J., Zhou J., Wang L., Cui X., Ning C., Wu H., Zhu X., Lin G. Effects of short-term invasion of Spartina alterniflora and the subsequent restoration of native mangroves on the soil organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stock. Chemosphere. 2017. 184:774.
Yang Y., Zhao J., Zhao P., Wang H., Wang B., Su S., Li M., Wang L., Zhu Q., Pang Z. and Peng C. Trait-Based Climate Change Predictions of Vegetation Sensitivity and Distribution in China. Front. Plant Sci. 2019. 10:908.
Gao, Y., Zhou, J., Wang, L., Guo, J., Feng, J., Wu, H., Lin, G*. Distribution patterns and controlling factors for the soil organic carbon in four mangrove forests of China. Global Ecology and Conservation. 2019. 17: e00575
Feng, J., Cui, X., Zhou, J., Wang, L., Zhu, X., Lin, G*. Effects of exotic and native mangrove forests plantation on soil organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus contents and pools in Leizhou, China. Catena. 2019. 180: 1-7
Han, S.*, Tian, F., Wang, W., Wang, L., Sigmoid generalized complementary equation for evaporation over wet surfaces: A nonlinear modification of the Priestley-Taylor equation. Water Resources Research. 2021. 57, e2020WR028737.
Yang, Y., Gou, R., Li, W., Kassout, J., Wu, J., Wang, L., Peng, C., Lin, G*. Leaf trait covariation and its controls: A quantitative data analysis along a subtropical elevation gradient. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2021. 126: e2021JG006378