Dajun Shen
Position: Professor
Selected Publications
Zhang T., Yu W., Shen D.*(2022). Evaluating environmental outcome and process-adaptivity of regional collaboration: an empirical study from China. Journal of Environmental Management. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.115773.
Yu M., Zhang T., Shen D. (2022). County-level spatial pattern and influencing factors evolution of carbon emission intensity in China: a Random Forest model analysis. China Environmental Science. 42(6): 2788-2798.
Yu W., Zhang T., Su S., Shen D.* (2022). Effects of labor transfer and forest management on forest carbon density based on an empirical study of 253 villages in Fujian Province. Acta Ecologica Sinica. 42(23).
Zhang t., Ali G., Yu W., Shen D.*(2022). The recycled water use policy in China: evidence from 114 cities. Journal of Cleaner Production. 344: 131038.
Guo J., Shen D.* (2022). Transitions of the natural protected area system under the development of national park in China: a multiple⁃streams analysis. Acta Ecologica Sinica. 42(15): 1-9.
Chen C., Guo J., Shen D.*(2021). Water resources allocation and re-allocation of the Yellow River Basin. Resources Science. 43(4): 799-812. DOI: 10.18402/resci.2021.04.14.
Yu W., Su S., Shen D.* (2021). Effects of the reform of collective forest property rights system on the change of water conservation capacity of ecological public welfare forests: the empirical research of 723 villages in Fujian Province. Acta Ecologica Sinica. 41(4): 1362-1372.
Shen D., Ali G., Chen C.*(2020). Water rights system in the Yellow River Basin: problems, challenges, and suggestions. Resources Science. 42(1): 46-56. DOI: 10.18402/resci.2020.01.05.
Wang X., Shen D. (2019). Impact of high quality development on water resources carrying capacity in the Yellow River Basin. Journal of Environmental Economics. 4: 48-62.
Shen D., Ali G., He X. (2020). Water use control system in China. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 36(4): 590-609. DOI:10.1080/07900627.2019.1676202.
Wang X., Shen D.*, Li W. (2019). Research on the mechanism, model and application of decoupling between water resources utilization and economic growth. China Population, Resources and Environment. 29(11): 139-147.
Shen D., Wu J. State of the art review: water pricing reform in China. International Journal of Water Resources Development. DOI: 10.1080/07900627.2016.1171743.
Shi J., Shen D.* (2016). Policy effectiveness between water volume control and pricing regulation on water-intensive industries in China, a dynamic CGE-based analysis. Journal of Natural Resources. 31(9): 1588-1598.
Shen, D.*, Zhang, M. (2016). Building and application of the water resources use development path. Journal of Natural Resources. 31(12): 2060-2073.
Shen D., Reddy R.* (2016). Water pricing in China and India: a comparative analysis. Water Policy. 18: 103–121.
Shen, D., Jin, M.* (2016). Lake management organizations in China. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 32(1): 153–166.
Shen, D. (2015). Groundwater management in China. Water Policy. 17: 61-82.
Shen, D. (2014). Post-1980 water policy in China. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 30(4): 714–727.
Varis O.*, Kummu M., Lehr C., Shen D. (2014) China's stressed waters: societal and environmental vulnerability in China's internal and transboundary river systems. Applied Geography. 53: 105-116.
Yu, H.W., Shen, D. * (2014). Application and outlook of CGE model in water resources. Journal of Natural Resources. 29(9): 1626-1636.
Shen, D. (2013). The design of self-supply groundwater planned water use trading market in Zhengzhou. Journal of Natural Resources. 28(3): 529-535.
Shen D. (2012). Planned water use system in China. Water Policy. 14(4): 581-593.
Shen D. (2012). Water quality management in China. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 28(2): 281-297.
Shen, D. (2010). Climate change and water resources: evidence and estimate in China. Current Science. 98(8): 1063-1068.
Shen, D., Speed, R. (2009). Water resources allocation in China. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 25( 2): 209-225.
Cosier, M., Shen, D. (2009). Urban water management in China. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 25(2): 249-268.
Shen, D. (2009). Riverbasin management. Journal of Natural Resources. 24(10): 1718-1723.
Shen, D., Liu, B. (2008). Integrated urban and rural water affairs management reform in China. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 33(5): 364-375.
Shen, D., Chen, W. Luo, J.P. (2006). The econometric analysis for urban household water use: a case study from Shenzhen. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 5: 593-597.
Shen, D.J, Zhu, Y.H., Yu, J.J., Ni, X.H. (2006). Water rights development in Zhejiang Province. China Water Resources. 21: 3-5.
Shen, D. Sheng X.Y., Wang, R.X. Liu, A.R. (2006). Water rights development in Inner Mongolia Region. China Water Resources. 21: 9-11.
Shen, D., Liu, B., Yan Z.Y. (2006). Water rights development in Hai Riverbasin. China Water Resources. 21: 15-17.
Shen, D., Liu, B., Guo, M.R., Yang, J.S. (2006). Demand-decided water allocation: a case Study of Hailaer Riverbasin. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 5: 1398-1402.
Shen, D. (2006). Theory and calculation methods for water resources fee. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 1: 120-125.
Shen, D. (2005). Analysis of water resources causes and institutional basis for integrated urban and rural water affairs management in China. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 9: 1143-1146.
Shen, D. (2005). Water related risk management in China: a legal, institutional and regulatory overview. Water International. 3: 329-338.
Shen, D., Cui, L.J., Jiang, S.M. (2005). Institutional options for water resources management in Shiyang Riverbasin. Journal of Natural Resources. 2: 293-299.
Shen, D. (2005). Justice in water management in China. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 1: 95-99.
Shen, D. (2005). Water Management: theory and instruments. Journal of Natural Resources. 1: 20-26.
Shen, D. (2004). The 2002 Water Law and its impacts on riverbasin management in China. Water Policy. 6: 345-364.
Shen, D., Wang, H., Jiang, Y.Z. (2004). Riverbasin management organizations: a comparative study between China and world. Journal of Natural Resources. 1: 86-95.
Shen, D., Ruan, B.Q., Zhang, Z.C. (2002). Theory of water resources tax in China. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 10:124-128.
Shen, D., Varis, O. (2001). Climatic change in China. AMBIO. 30(6): 381-383.
Shen, D., Varis O. (2000). Balancing the Water Thoughts after Hague. AMBIO, 29(8): 523-525.
Shen, D. , Wang, H., Yang, X.L., Li, Q. (2000). The econometric analysis of industrial water use -- a case study of Beijing. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 8: 27-31.
Shen, D., Yang, X.L., Wang, H., Wang, D.X., Ma, J. (1999). Analysis of urban residential water demand functions in China. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 12: 6-10.
Gao, J. Z., Gan, H., Shen, D. (1999). The dry-up of the yellow river and the water transfer in West China. Science and Technology Review. 2: 15-18.
Shen, D., Liu, C.M. (1998). Effects of different scales of the middle route of China’s South-to-North Water transfer project on the downstream of the Danjiangkou Reservoir. ACTA Geographica Sinica. 4: 341-348.
Shen, D., Liang, R.J., Wang, H., Jiang, Y.Z. (1998). The water resources value. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 5: 55-60.
Shen, D., Liu, C.M. (1998). Review on water resources and hydrological responses to climatic change. Geographical Research. 4: 100-108.
Shen, D., Liu, C.M., Chen, C.Y. (1996). Effects of water transfer from the Danjiangkou Reservoir of the middle route on the lower streams of the Hanjiang River. ACTA Geographica Sinica. 5: 426-433.
Shen, D., Chen C. Y., Su, R.Q. (1996). Research on water resources rational use in the Lhasa Riverbasin. Journal of Natural Resources. 4: 373-376.
Shen, D. (1996). Retrospect, presence and countermeasure of regional water shortage in China. Advances in Earth Sciences. 4: 17-24.
Shen, D., Chen, C.Y. (1996). Water resources and their exploitation of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. Journal of Natural Resources. 1: 8-14.
Shen, D., Chen, C.Y. (1995). Retrospect of water resources utilization and their rational use. Natural Resources. 3: 39-44.
Shen, D. (1995). Water Resources and Their Rational Use of the Lhasa River. H6: Modeling and Management of Sustainable Basin-scale Water Resources System. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Press, Wallingford, United Kingdom. Publ. no 231.
Liu, C.M., Shen, D. (1994). The Most Vital Strategy: An Overview of Areal Reallocation of China's Water Resources. Chinese Geography and Environment (Canada). Summer, 1-19.
Shen D. (2021). Water Resources Management of the People’s Republic of China. Springer.
Shen, D., Zhang, C.L., Liu. Z., Xiao, Wei, H. (2013). Research on Lake Management in China. China Water and Power Publisher, Beijing.
Sun, X.T., Shen D. (2012). Water Resources Classified Management. Science Press, Beijing.
Shen, D. (2010). National Water Rights Framework Development. China Water and Power Publisher, Beijing.
Sun X.T., Speed, R., Shen, D. (2009) .Water Resources Allocation in PRC. Taylor & Francis Group.
Shen, D., Sun X.T. (2009). Water Resources Allocation and Regulation: China and Australian Experiences. China Water and Power Publisher, Beijing.
Shen, D. (2007). Water Resources Allocation Theory and Practices. China Water and Power Publisher, Beijing.
Shen, D. Chen W., Luo J.P. (2006). Water Pricing Theory, Methods and Application. China Water and Power Publisher, Beijing.
Shen, D. (2004). Governing Water. Science Press: Beijing.
Wang, H., Ruan, B.Q. Shen, D. (2003). Sustainable Water Pricing Theory and Practice. Science Press: Beijing.
Shen, D. (2002). Chapter 4: Water resources value. In Chen J. et al. Theory of Water Resources. Science Press: Beijing.
Shen, D., Liang, R.J., Wang, H., Yang, X.L. (1999). Water Pricing Theory and Practices. Science Press: Beijing.