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研究领域: 旅游与社区关系,社区参与和社区可持续生计; 遗产旅游、保护地旅游发展; 旅游影响评估;可持续消费意愿与行为、可持续



  • 教育背景
  • 工作经历
  • 学术科研
  • 社会服务




1998.09-2002.07,  中国清华大学外语学院,英语系,科技英语专业,学士学位 






[43] 王亚楠,苏明明*,董航宇,宝林佳,徐峰,张永波,王梦晗,张梦真,陶雨然. 重要农业文化遗产认定对区域耕地景观变化的影响—以敖汉旱作农业系统为例,生态学报,2024,44(23). 

[42] 苏明明,董航宇,宝林佳,徐峰,张永波,王梦晗,王亚楠,张梦真,刘海庆,靳敏.供需视角下农业文化遗产生态价值的旅游实现策略研究—以内蒙古敖汉旱作农业系统为例.生态学报,2024, 44(19) .

[41] Su, M. M.; Wang, J.Y.; Wall, G. Dong, H.Y. & Zhang, H.Z*. (2023). Inter-generational Evolution of Intangible Cultural Heritage through Tourism Development: Perspectives of Practitioners in Hangzhou, China, International Journal of Heritage Studies (SSCI, Q1, IF=1.8), accepted.

[40] Menghan Wang, Ming Ming Su *, Chang Gan, Xin Peng, Zhaoliang Wu, Mihai Voda (2023). Does digital inclusive finance matter in sustainable tourism development at the county level? Evidence from the Wuling Mountain area in China. Sustainable Development (SCI, Q1, IF=12.5), https://doi.org/10.1002/sd.2838.

[39] Menghan Wang, Ming Ming Su *, Chang Gan, Zhonghan Yu. (2023). A coordination analysis on tourism development and resident well-being in the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration, China. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, Q1, IF=11.1), 421 (2023) 138361.

[38]Su, M. M.; Wang, M.H.; Yu, J.J., Wall, G.; Min, J*. (2023): Measuring Tourism Impacts on Community Well-being at the Hani Rice Terraces GIAHS Site, Yunnan Province of China, Society & Natural Resources (SSCI, Q2, IF= 3.024), 36:7, 796-820, DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2023.2185844

[37] Su, M. M.; Wall, G, Ma, J.F., Notarianni, M. & Wang, S.G. (2023). Empowerment of women through cultural tourism: perspectives of Hui minority embroiderers in Ningxia, China, Journal of Sustainable Tourism (SSCI, Q1, IF= 9. 0), 31(2): 307–328.

[36] Wang, M.H., Bai, X.R., Su, MM*. (2022). Heritage tourism evolution in Guangfu Ancient City, Hebei Province, China: An analysis with the improved creative destruction model, Built Heritage,6(25):1-15.

[35] Su, M. M.; Menghan Wang, Yehong Sun * & Ying Wang, (2022). Tourist Perspectives on Agricultural Heritage Interpretation - A Case Study of the Qingtian Rice-Fish System,Sustainability, 2022, 14, 10206. https://doi.org/10.3390/su141610206

[40] 苏明明,杨伦,何思源。农业文化遗产地旅游发展与社区参与路径,旅游学刊,2022(37):9-11.

[39] 王梦晗,苏明明* . (2022).中国省际居民生计资本的网络结构及影响因素,经济地理,42 (5):36-44+94.

[38] 苏明明(2022). 旅游地社区研究-从生计到福祉的理论拓展, 旅游导刊, 5(6):1-23.

[37] Su, M. M.; Wall, G, Ma, J.F., Notarianni, M. & Wang, S.G. (2021). Empowerment of women through cultural tourism: perspectives of Hui minority embroiderers in Ningxia, China, Journal of Sustainable Tourism (SSCI, Q1, IF=9.470), https://doi.org/10.1080/09669582.2020.1841217.

[36] Su, M. M., Fu, X.H., Wu, B.L., Xu, H.X., Deng Y.C. (2021). Tourism Place Making through the Bioluminescent “Blue tears” of Pingtan Islands, China. Marine Policy (SSCI, Q1, IF=4.315), 133 (2021) 104744

[35] Su, M. M., Yu, J.J., Qin, Y.T., Wall, G. & Zhu, Y. (2021). Ancient Town tourism and the community supported entrance fee avoidance - Xitang Ancient Town of China. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change. (SSCI, IF=1.947), https://doi.org/10.1080/14766825.2021.1880418.

[34] Hartmann, R. & Su, M.M. (2020). Tourism to Lu Gou Qiao: Enduring Scenic Qualities of a Landmark Bridge and a Difficult Legacy of a Conflict Site. Journal of Heritage Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/1743873X.2020.1818762.

[33] Su, M. M.; Dong, Y.Z., Wall, G, Sun, Y.H. (2020). A value-based analysis of the tourism use of agricultural heritage systems: Duotian Agrosystem, Jiangsu Province, China, Journal of Sustainable Tourism (SSCI, Q1, IF=9.470), 28:12, 2136-2155

[32] Luo, W. Tang, P., Jiang, L., and Su, M. M. *. (2020). Influencing Mechanism of Tourist Social Responsibility Awareness on Environmentally Responsible Behavior. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI, Q1, IF= 11.072)https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.122565.

[31] Su, M. M., Sun, Y.H.*, Wall, G., and Min, Q.W. (2020). Agricultural heritage conservation, tourism and community livelihoods in the urbanization process of Xuanhua Grape Garden, Hebei Province, China. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research (SSCI, IF=4.074), 25(3): 205-222.

[30] Su, M. M., Wall, G, Wang,Y.N. and Jin, M. (2019). Integrating tea and tourism: A sustainable livelihoods approach, Journal of Sustainable Tourism (SSCI, Q1, IF=9.470),27(10): 1591-1608, DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2019.1648482

[29] Su, M. M. and Wall, G. (2019). A cross-cultural analysis of hutong tourism at Nanluoguxiang, Beijing, China: comparison between Beijing, other Chinese and international visitors. International Journal of Tourism Anthropology, 7(2): 89-114.

[28] Su, M. M., Wall, G., Wang, Y.N., and Jin, M. (2019). Livelihood sustainability in a rural tourism destination - Hetu Town, Anhui Province, China. Tourism Management (SSCI, Q1, IF=12.879), 71: 272-281. 高被引论文

[27] Su, M. M., Wall, G. and Ma, Z.* (2019). A multi-stakeholder examination of destination image: Nanluoguxiang heritage street, Beijing, China, Tourism Geographies (SSCI, IF=6.64), 21(1): 2-23.

[26] Luo, W.B. and Su, M. M. (2019). A Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Urban Parkland Expansion in China and Practical Implications to Enhance Urban Sustainability. Sustainability (SSCI&SCI, IF=2.576), 11,138.

[25] Su, M. M., Sun, Y.H.*, Jiao, W.J., Min, Q.W. (2018) A Community Livelihood Approach to Agricultural Heritage System Conservation and Tourism Development: Xuanhua Grape Garden Urban Agricultural Heritage Site, Hebei Province of China. Sustainability (SSCI & SCI, IF=2.576), 10(2), 361.

[24] Su, M. M., Wall, G. (2018). Chinese university students' perceptions of ecotourism. International Journal of Service Techology and Management (IJSTM):24(4).

[23] Su, M. M., Wall, G. and Wang, S.G. (2017). Yujiale fishing tourism and island development in Changshan Archipelago, Changdao, China. Island Studies Journal (SSCI, IF=0.75), 12(2), 2017, 127-142

[22] Su, M. M., Wall, G., Wang, Y., Jin, M. (2017). Multi-agency Management of a World Heritage Site: Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area, China. Current Issues in Tourism Research (SSCI, Q2, IF=3.462), 20 (12):1290-1309.

[21] Su, M. M. and Wall, G. (2017). Residents’ use of and perspectives on a World Heritage Site: Temple of Heaven, Beijing, China. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change (SSCI, IF=0.474), 15(1): 15-36, DOI: 10.1080/14766825.2015.1136315.

[20] Su, M. M., Wall, G. and Xu, K.J. (2016). Heritage tourism and livelihood sustainability of a resettled rural community: Mount Sanqingshan World Heritage Site, China. Journal of Sustainable Tourism (SSCI, Q1, IF=3.329),24(5):735-757,DOI:10.1080/09669582.2015.1085868

[19] Su, M. M. and Wall, G. (2016). A comparison of tourists’ and residents’ uses of the Temple of Heaven World Heritage Site, China. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research (SSCI, IF= 1.29), 21(8):905-930,DOI:10.1080/10941665.2015.1084346.

[18] Su, M. M., Wall, G. and Xu, K.J. (2016). Tourism-induced livelihood changes at Mount Sanqingshan World Heritage Site, China. Environmental Management (SCI, Q2, IF=1.857), 57(5), 1024-1040, DOI: 10.1007/s00267-016-0672-8.

[17] Su, M. M., Wall, G. and Jin, M. (2016). Island livelihoods: tourism and fishing at Long Islands, Shandong Province, China. Ocean & Coastal Management (SCI, Q2, IF=1.696), 122:20-29,DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2015.11.014.

[16]Su, M. M., Long, Y., Wall, G. and Jin, M. (2016). Tourist-community interactions in ethnic tourism: Tuva villages, Kanas Scenic Area, China. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change (SSCI, IF=0.474). 14(1):1-26

[15] Su, M. M. and Wall, G. (2015). Exploring the shared use of World Heritage Sites: Residents’ and Domestic Tourists’ Use and Perceptions of the Summer Palace in Beijing. International Journal of Tourism Research (SSCI, Q2, IF=1.314), 17: 591–601.

[14] Su, M. M. and Wall, G. (2015). Residents’ use and perceptions of the Summer Palace World Heritage Site in Beijing, China. International Journal of Tourism Anthropology, 3(4):357 – 369.

[13] Su, M. M. and Wall, G. (2015). Community Involvement at Great Wall World Heritage Sites, Beijing, China. Current Issues in Tourism (SSCI, Q2, IF=1.733), 18(2): 137-157, DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2013.823917

[12] Su, M. M., Wall, G. and Ma, Z (2014). Assessing Ecotourism from a Multi-stakeholder Perspective: Xingkai Lake National Nature Reserve, China. Environmental Management (SCI, Q2, IF=1.857), 54(5): 1190-1207.

[11] Su, M. M. and Wall, G. (2014). Community Participation in Tourism at a World Heritage Site: Mutianyu Great Wall, Beijing, China. International Journal of Tourism Research (SSCI, Q2, IF=1.314), 16: 146-156.

[10] 苏明明. (2014). 可持续旅游与旅游地社区发展(笔谈),旅游学刊 [J], 29(4):8-9。

[9] 苏明明, Geoffrey Wall (2012). 遗产旅游与社区参与—以北京慕田峪长城为例. 旅游学刊[J], 27(7 ): 19-27.

[8] 苏明明. (2012). 世界遗产地旅游发展与社区参与(笔谈). 旅游学刊[J], 27(5 ):9-10.

[7] Su, M. M. and Wall, G. (2012). Global-local Relationships and Governance Issues at the Great Wall World Heritage Site, China. Journal of Sustainable Tourism (SSCI, Q1, IF=2.480), 20(8):1067-1086.

[6] Su, M. M. and Wall, G. (2011). Chinese Research on World Heritage Tourism. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research (SSCI, Q2, IF=1.290), 16(1): 75-88.

[5] Su, M. M. and Li, B. (2011). Resource Management at World Heritage Sites in China. 2011 International Conference on Energy and Environment, 3:406-408.

[4] Su, M. M. and Wall, G. (2010). Place attachment and heritage tourism at the Great Wall. Journal of China Tourism Research, 6(4): 396-409.

[3] Su, M. M. and Wall, G. (2010). Impacts of Host-guest Interactions on Tourists' Travel Behavior and Experiences. Tourism, 58 (1): 37-50.

[2] Su, M. M. and Wall, G. (2009). The Qinghai-Tibet Railway and Tibetan Tourism: Travelers’ Perspectives. Tourism Management (SSCI, Q1, IF=3.140), 30: 650-657.

[1] Su, M. M. and Wall, G. (2009). Destination and En-route Experiences among Train Travelers to Tibet. Tourism Recreation Research, 34 (2): 181-190.




Su, M.M. (2020). Tourism, heritage protection and utilization in China, in S. Huang and G. Chen (eds), HANDBOOK ON TOURISM AND CHINA, Edward Elgar publishing, Cheltenham, UK, Northhampton, MA. USA

Su, M.M. (2015). Interview. In J. Jafari & H. Xiao (eds.), Encyclopedia of Tourism, Springer, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-01669-6_337-1


[4] 六盘山片区扶贫项目-地方产品与旅游发展报告,提交亚洲开发银行, 2018

[3] 北京市社区家庭可持续消费意识调查及政策倡导项目调研报告,提交中华环保联合会,UNEP-ACEF 绿色社区可持续消费项目,2015

[2] 兴凯湖自然保护区生态旅游研究报告,提交亚洲开发银行,2011;

[1] 珍宝岛自然保护区生态旅游研究报告,提交亚洲开发银行, 2011


12 分论坛评议人,报告人“海岛旅游地方营造的多主体视角研究-以福建平潭蓝眼泪为例”;“渔家乐旅游发展和渔业社区生计可持续性研究-以山东长岛为例”, 新时代海洋旅游研究的理论前沿与学术创新研讨会,福州,福建,2021.8.21

11 分论坛评议人,报告人“茶香伴旅人-安徽岳西茶旅融合发展”, 第五届中国青年旅游论坛-新发展格局下生态旅游与乡村振兴研讨会,北京,2021.6.10.

10 主旨发言:“乡村旅游研究理论建构的社区视角”,旅游研究转向与理论建构—乡村旅游理论建构主题研讨会,北京第二外国语学院期刊社《旅游导刊》杂志主办,2020.12.12

9 主旨发言:遗产保护与旅游发展的社区视角研究,第一届休闲与旅游科学前沿暨江苏省旅游学会第三届青年旅游论坛,2020, 10, 24-25

8 青年学者主旨演讲:可持续生计视角下乡村旅游与社区发展, 第四届中国青年旅游论坛 ,北京第二外国语大学,北京, 2019.6.1

7 A livelihood approach to tourism and fishing - Long Islands, Shandong Province, China。第二届岛屿经济发展国际研讨会大会报告和主持人, 2019.8.20-22,海南省海口市, 爱德华王子岛大学岛屿研究中心和海南省外办联合主办。

6 A multi-stakeholder examination of destination image: Nanluoguxiang heritage street, Beijing, China. 6th UNESCO UNITWIN Conference 2019 - Value of heritage for tourism.比利时鲁汶2019.4 8-12.

5 基于可持续生计理论的河北宣化农业文化遗产旅游发展,北京联合大学农业文化遗产可持续旅游发展院士工作站揭牌, 暨农业文化遗产可持续旅游研讨会,2018,12.21.

4 主旨演讲:生计视角下农业文化遗产保护与旅游发展,首届湖湘旅游论坛 湖南省旅游发展委员会指导,湖南师范大学、湖南日报社、湖南省旅游教育专业委员会主办,湖南师范大学旅游学院和湖南日报新媒体发展有限公司承办,长沙,2018.6.24.

3 Tourism and rural livelihood sustainability - Hetu Town, Yuexi County at Anhui Province of China. The “Third East-West Dialogue on Tourism and the Chinese Dream”, the Gold Coast, Australia, 23-25 of November 2017.

2 Exploring the shared use of World Heritage Site: tourists’ and residents’ uses and perceptions of the Temple of Heaven, Beijing, China (主题报告). 2016旅游学刊年会,洛阳2016.10.22-23;

1 Multi-agency Management of a World Heritage Site: Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area, China (主题报告), 第二届旅游科学国际会议,广州, 2016. 9. 17-18


[14] 中国农业文化遗产地社区福祉的时空演化和动力机制研究(42171232),国家自然科学基金面上项目课题负责人,2022.1-2025.12

[13] 大运河国家文化公园(北京段)游憩利用与国家文化身份建构研究(21GLB026),北京市哲学社科一般项目课题负责人,2022.1-2024.12

[12]乡村振兴战略下我国重要农业文化遗产地农、文、旅融合发展研究(20YJCZH134), 教育部人文社科青年基金,课题负责人,2020.1-2023.12

[11]三元动态演进视角下保护地社区可持续生计研究,中国人民大学研究品牌计划, 26万, 课题负责人,2019.1-2021.12

[10] 山东东营生态社区项目,山东东营市人民政府,主要参与人,2017.12-2018.4.

[9] 宁夏自治区六盘山地区扶贫技术援助项目,亚洲开发银行,旅游和地方产品价值链专家,2017.01-2018.06.

[8] 宣化城市传统葡萄园农业文化遗产保护和社区生计可持续发展与文化传承研究,河北省张家口市宣化区,课题负责人,2016.11-2018.03,;

[7] 生计视角下的旅游与社区互动机理研究和可持续性评价(16XNB014),中国人民大学科学研究基金,课题负责人,2016.01-2018.12;

[6] 联合国环境规划署与中华环保联合会 “绿色社区可持续消费项目”(即“北京市社区家庭可持续消费意识调查及政策倡导项目”)(ACEF-UNEP Project on Development of Green Communities to Promote Sustainable Consumption),课题主要参与人,2014.11-2016.4;

[5] 我国遗产旅游发展的社区参与综合评估模型研究(41201147),国家自然科学基金青年基金,课题负责人,2012.12-2015.12;

[4] 世界遗产地旅游发展的社区参与机制研究—以北京地区为例(11YJCZH145),教育部人文社科青年基金,课题负责人,2011.10-2014.10;

[3] 中国遗产旅游多利益主体管理模式研究项目(11XNK015),中国人民大学科学研究基金,课题负责人,2011.06-2013.06;

[2] 世界遗产地旅游发展与社区参与实例研究项目(10XNF058),中国人民大学科学研究基金,课题负责人,2010.11-2012.07;

[1] 三江湿地保护项目-生态旅游子项目,亚洲开发银行项目,生态旅游专家,2010.04-2011.12


SSCI一区期刊 Tourism Management Perspective (Q1, IF=8.7) 副主编,2019-

SSCI一区期刊 Tourism Management (Q1, IF=12.9) , Journal of Sustainable Tourism (Q1, IF=9.0) , 编委会委员,2021-

国际古迹遗址理事会文化旅游科学委员会(ICOMOS ICTC)专家委员、青年遗产专业人才项目导师,2021-



中国古迹遗址保护协会(ICOMOS China)会员,2021-

中国大运河智库联盟大运河国际研究中心特聘研究员, 2021-




Journal of Heritage Tourism 编委会委员, 2020-

International Journal of Tourism Anthropology 编委会委员,2011-



2019年度, 中国人民大学科研优秀奖




2015年,中共北京市委教育工作委员会-北京高校青年教师社会调研优秀项目二等奖, “北京市社区家庭可持续消费意识调查及政策倡导”


